My first mobile post!
I forgot to make my card swap cards - boy birthday cards. I wanted to base it on a kids joke. "why did the elephant paint it's toenails red?". "So it could hide in the cherry tree!". Not the funniest joke, but I got to use my zooballoo cartridge!! (lyrical letters, just because cards) and finally used the swirly cuttlebug cartridge. And, the best part - I was able to make 9 cards (2 extra) and didn't have to buy anything!!! Woo Hoo! Using up my stash of paper!!!!!
PS, from my computer (not mobile) (ok, I had to intervene, since the picture didn't come through)...
One thing I wanted to tell you all about, if you don't know about it already is a great website called
I've been chatting with Shawn, the person behind Cricut Search.  She's very nice, and has put a ton of time & effort into this great website.  When I made this card, I needed a cherry image.... but what cartridge has cherries?  I've been frustrated that the search on the gypsy is slow.... so I went to Cricut Search and looked for Cherries - surprisingly, on Lyrical Letters... I would've never thought to look there.... And found the perfect tree for it too...  It's a great site... If you have a Cricut, go check it out.  They're on Facebook too - let them know you found them through Crafty Card Gallery!!!  Thanks!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!  Stay safe this Halloween!
