Merry Christmas!

I just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas & a Happy & Prosperous 2011!  I hope it's a wonderful year for you!

Here is my Christmas Card this year....

I have met (via email) so many wonderful people through the app & this blog & the Facebook page...  I've really enjoyed it!!!
I hope to meet many more of you in 2011!

Don't forget to mark your calendars - New Year's weekend (12/31 - 1/3) Thank you card blog hop!  You will start here.... There are over 30 blogs involved!  It will be a great way to spend the holiday weekend  - especially if your significant other is watching football!, which is what will be happening in my house!   :)

I have my thank you cards all worked out (since I'll be making the card that I'm doing for the blog hop).  It feels good to be ahead of schedule for once....  I have to say I am in love with the paper, so I can't wait to get started working on them!!!

And more exciting news - I will be having guest designers for January & February.... I've already seen some of the cards that will be posted, and they are fabulous!  I think you will have a wonderful time in January & February meeting some new designers and seeing their talents.

AND, for those of you who don't have an iPhone, but that have an Android device, I registered as an Android developer this week, and have started the process to have the Crafty Card Gallery be an Android app as well!!!  I will keep you posted on this, as I have no idea how long it will take.  Unfortunately, some of the features in the iPhone app won't work, but the bulk of the app will be the same......and the gallery & designers (best parts) will be there...  I'm looking forward to seeing it on a Droid phone... I know my mother in law will be happy (since her cards are in the app, and she can't see them!)

That's all for today....  I need to go wrap some presents!
Enjoy your Christmas and here's wishing you all the happiness your holiday can hold!!!



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