My Dad's Card with Detailed Instructions!

OK, so if you've been following this blog for a while, you know that my Dad made a most awesome light up Christmas Tree card a few weeks ago.  He's an idea guy and has been thinking of other electricity related cards... I personally don't know how to do any of that stuff, and have to have some pretty serious help with it.  So... Dad made some incredibly detailed instructions, which I will share with you here....
First I will show you the card...

It's a relatively simple card (excluding the tea light) - the stripe paper and the tree parts at the bottom are bo bunny paper.  The candle body is just a piece of paper that I folded the edges in and glued the edges to the paper so I could slip the candle part inside.  I punched a small card on the inside of the card to run the wires through so I could turn it off & on.  I am mainly showing you this since it's helpful to see how to use the idea....

I will warn you - be VERY CAREFUL doing the following steps - you will be using sharp tools so you will want to be careful...  This is just one of those battery operated tea lights you can get anywhere....

Still with me?  My Dad's instructions are very step by step.  I will tell you that some of the tea light candles are slightly different inside.  You don't have to have any special electrical tools to do this.  I will caution you, though, I'm not sure if you can mail the card since there's a battery in it, and it would get squooshed in the mail... But it would be a great card to hand deliver to someone or to put out on your mantel... I will also share the other card my Dad made...  It doesn't photograph really well, but there's a tea light behind the fire place.  My Dad did this with his computer & a card software program....

I think he's enjoying his Blog Celebrity!!! :)  Hope you enjoy his card & the idea!!!
Let me know if you try it & how it worked out for you!
Jennifer & Dad!!!


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