Big News!!!

Hi, It's me, Jennifer sneaking in again... I know, I'm pesky that way  :)  I hope you've been enjoying the fabulous guest designers this month - first Madison and now Meighen.  I've enjoyed seeing their great posts!!!  And more great posts to come!

I only snuck in tonight since I have BIG NEWS!!!  The Crafty Card Gallery app is now available in the Android Marketplace!!!!!!  You can go to the marketplace on your Droid phone & search for Crafty Card Gallery & you will be able to download it to your phone!  I'm pretty excited!  I know there are several of you who've asked about an Android app, so here you go!!!  I hope you like it!!  I'd love to hear feedback!

Since I'm here, I'll let you know I've been working hard on the update for the app - I've added 11 new designers (and have several more to add) and over 35 cards (and there are more to add!
Ok, back to your regularly scheduled programming!  Enjoy the rest of the week with Meighen...
Goodnight & hope you have a great Wednesday!
