
Hi! I hope you all enjoyed the blog hop this past weekend! I had a blast! Thanks so much for visiting, all your great comments & happy birthday wishes! I had a great birthday!!!

So I tallied up all the comments for the weekend and there were 128 comments (57+26+13+13+9+10)

Here are the prizes and the winners.

1) A free copy of the Crafty Card Gallery iPhone app. I will email you a free code for the iPhone version of the app.

Winner is:

9 Nicolette said...
Happy Birthday Jennifer!! Your card is very pretty. Love the tulips. Perfect for spring!!

2) A copy of the Bite Size Body Guide.

Winner is: 22
22 Brenna said...
that is a really cute digi stamp, love tulips too!! the colouring is great too, love the two tone green leaves!! tfs

3) 5 sheets each of Mrs. Grossman's Scrap Metal and Vellum Stickers

Winner is: 103 (57+26+13+7)
7 Ola said...
Your cards are fun & fantastic!!! And, I always love sparkles!

Thanks so much for sharing!!!

okj83 at live dot com

4) A roll of 1/2 inch ATG tape (1/2' * 60 feet)

Winner is:86. (57+26+3)

3 Nikki T said...
Gorgeous card. I love everything about it.
March 13, 2011 9:54 PM

5) A pack of hello kitty hawaii post its (who doesn't love hello kitty!), some yellow ribbon & a package of green jolees hotfix (work great with your i-rock!)

Winner is: 89 (57+26+6)
6 QC Kelsey said...
I'm not hopping ... but I still wanted to pop in and say how awesome this card is! I've got to make a couple birthday cards for this weekend - my good friend's birthday on Saturday, and mine on Sunday! :)

And... as mentioned previously one more prize... which is a clear stamp, and the clear base and some embellishments

Winner is 14
14 Jamie said...
Happy Birthday Jennifer! I hop you have a great day. Love the tulips. Nice job coloring.

Congratulations to all the winners! please email me at craftycardgallery at gmail dot com Thanks so much for visiting!
Be sure to come back for the St Patricks day hops!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Wow! Very cool. Thank you. I just got your email and sent you a message back. Thanks for emailing - my Google Reader is sitting on Feb 19th waiting for me to catch up from then! :)


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