New blog header!

Check out the beautiful blog header that was created for me by Linn at
She did an awesome job!  It's much better looking than what I had before, don't you think?


Thank you so much Linn!
And since you're here, here's a card!
I don't think I've shared this one before...
Be sure to go by & visit Linn & give her some love & become a fan if you aren't already!
Be sure to stop by on 7/1 when I'll be in a 3 day blog hop to get you through the 4th of July... I better get busy tomorrow night & make some cards!
Have a great Tuesday!


  1. Glad you like the header Trish!!! Enjoy
    love the hedgehog card. is it for sale. i have a friend that loves hedge hogs.

  2. I love the header and thinkj it wasw sweeit of her. :)

  3. Love the new header and the card--great job. WTG!

  4. Your new header is beautiful! Much more memorable.

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  6. Your site provides me a new tip of the sales and marketing .... Your new look header is so much pretty.......
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