Winners and Contest News....

Ok, thanks everyone for visiting this past weekend... The Blog Hop was a blast!  I loved all the great comments!  Even my mom loved the card!

So two prizes:
1) A free copy of the Crafty Card Gallery iPhone app. I will email you a free code for the iPhone version of the app.
Winner is:  11

Kards by Kathi said...

That is a beautiful flower and I would love to have that type of tape. Thanks for your time and talent.
2) a clear stamp
Winner is: 4

thekolbes said...

I love your card and can't wait to try making a ribbon flower. I am sure it won't turn out as good as yours
krazykcrafters at msn dot com
Congratulations Winners!

I was supposed to announce the winner of my contest today - but we have a tie... So I will extend voting for one more week... You must vote by 6/18....Whoever has the most votes, wins... 
Please vote for your favorite card!!!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope to have a card for you later this week!


  1. Wooohoo thats me and thank you sooooooooo much. Congrats to the other winner also


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