Oct 22 - 23 All things Tim Burton

Boys and girls of every age, wouldn't you like to see something strange?  If you're a Tim Burton fan, you will recognize that line from "This is Halloween" -- a well-known song from the movie  "The Nightmare Before Christmas".  With Halloween just around the corner, this is the perfect time to celebrate all things Tim Burton!  We have a talented group of ladies on this weekend blog hop.  Join us as we each share a project inspired by one of Tim's quirky characters!  

If you've just come from Susan's blog, you are right where you should be !  If you haven't but would like to start from the beginning, go to Dena's blog :  http://missdjones.blogspot.com/.  We would like to thank Karber Digital Images for sponsoring this blog hop.  Karber is giving away two digital stamps to one lucky person who comments during the blog hop.  

*** To be eligible to win, you must comment on each blog in the hop.  
*** You must become a follower of each blog.

*** The winner will be announced no later than Wednesday, October 26th.  

Now, on to the project I would like to share with you:

My husband and I are big fans of Nightmare Before Christmas, so I had to make a NBC card...

This was a fairly easy card because I used Jolee's...  I used blue cardstock, plastic cardstock, and black cardstock.  I free hand cut the image on black and edged in white.  I made the moon and sponged it and the background a little bit.  Jack & Sally came from the Jolee's.

If you're new to my blog, be sure to become a follower.  October is my Blog-A-Versary and I have some really exciting events planned (and some great prizes) - so you will want to come back often... 

Crafty Card Gallery is an iPhone app (works on iPad and iPod Touch) that is now available for Android Phones. It is a card gallery for handmade cards. You can follow great designers, and look for ideas. It's updated monthly so there's always new great content for you... Over 700 cards, and growing every month!

You can get it in the iTunes app store and the android marketplace. 

So here's the blog candy - I will select a winner on Wednesday.  You must be a follower to win..

1) A free copy of the Crafty Card Gallery iPhone app.  I will email you a free code for the iPhone version of the app.

Please be sure to hop on over to Krista: http://www.KristasPaperCafe.com/ next for more Tim Burton fun!  If you get lost along the way, the complete blog hop lineup is below.  Thanks for stopping by !

  1. Dena : http://missdjones.blogspot.com/  
  2. Tami: http://tamboscreations.blogspot.com/ 
  3. Lynne: http://slasewcraftiness.blogspot.com/ 
  4. Berenice: http://karbersweetescape.blogspot.com/
  5. Joy: http://justjoycrafts.blogspot.com/
  6. Lisa: http://handmadewithlove-lisa.blogspot.com/
  7. Jessica: www.scrappyluvs.blogspot.com
  8. Susan: http://susanascorner.blogspot.com/
  9. Jennifer: http://craftycardgallery.blogspot.com/
  10. Krista: http://www.KristasPaperCafe.com/
  11. Erin G: http://comfyonmycloud.blogspot.com/
  12. Canadian Nickel: www.canadiannickelscrapn.blogspot.com
  13. Jearise: http://lorbysworld.blogspot.com/


  1. A great way to make a card! I like your idea. And love NBC.
    Nice to host hop with you.

  2. I love your project!!!TFS!!!


  3. Love It! Thanks for the chance to win! mlc_15@hotmail.com

  4. Jennifer, I love this card. I love how you put it on the plastic outerlayer so you could see through to the moon. Great card. tfs Tami

    Tambos Creations!

  5. wonderful work!! :) lindaplusthree at yahoo dot com

  6. Jennifer, what a great card!! I love this sticker as I have it too. Thanks for being in part of this hop with me. :)

    Happy Scrappin'

    Sue B
    suenj99 at yahoo dot com

  7. Just became a new follower and I love your card! Thanks for being part of the hop as it was great hopping with you!
    Hugs and Love

  8. This is an awesome card. Love the sticker.
    glamoroussideofscrapping at gmail dot com

  9. This is super ool! It came out great! TFS CallyAnn(follower)

  10. I didn't know Jolee's sold Jack stuff! This card is super cool! It looks like Jack is floating! Thanks for joining my hop!

    Dena Jones
    dena dot maile at gmail dot com

  11. great card never heard of an NBC before I guess I will have to youtube it! LOL


  12. Love this card Jennifer! We are big NBC fans at our house too - especially Jack :) Love how the curl opens up in the front - great idea!

    rebeccadunham at hotmail dot com

  13. I love your card !!! lindaplusthree at yahoo dot com

  14. This is so great! I had no idea Jolee's had Burton stickers! Have to have those. TFS and for the chance to win. :0)

    Be sure to enter my 500 followers giveaway!

    XO ~ Amy Jo (follower)
    amyjrockstar at gmail dot com

    FCCB Coordinator - http://fantabulouscricut.blogspot.com
    Personal Blog 1 - http://lv2scrapandfibrofacts.blogspot.com
    Personal Blog 2 - http://bestthingsivefoundinzines.blogspot.com

  15. Great Job as always!!!

    Patti Ross


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