Guest Designer Shawnee Day 3

Hi everyone!
For today's card I decided to make a masculine card. Now I have to admit these are some of the toughest cards to make as you can't add bling which I love and ribbon can make it look girlie. So I had some really cute paper that I got on clearance at Michaels. I wasn't sure where to use it so I decided to try it out on this card.
I used my Cricut E2 for this A2 size card and the Just a Note Cricut Cartridge. I love this cute cartridge. The stamp is from CardzTV Stamps "It's A Guy Thing" and goes perfectly with this ribbon.   I added a base mat from Cricut Lite Lacey Labels and then some twine and a button. My husband said it was simple and perfect for a guy. Although I'll admit, I really wanted to add bling. LOL.
This card is perfect to show that guy in your life that you care. I gave it to mine to show him I appreciate him and all that he does for our family.
It has been so much fun joining you this week. I hope you will check out my blog at Blessed On The Bright Side. 



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