More love...

A little bit more LOVE...

I know Valentine's Day has come and gone
and you thought you had seen the last of the HEARTS all 
over the place, almost have! I saved one of my special creations
 for this week on purpose so that I may share it here @ the Crafty Card Gallery.

I can not take credit for the idea behind this Valentine Shadow box.  
That goes to Debbie Moczek my Fabulous Stampin Up Consultant.
 The only thing I can take credit for is the work and the arrangement of the squares. 
 Although, I did make a few of my squares different then the original design.

Sorry for the glare on the photo!

This was sooooo much fun to put together and she made it so easy too!
I gave it to my dear hubby for Valentine's Day and
 then asked him if I could please hang it up in my studio!  LOL
 I know...what an Indian giver......
but, I thought it would look really nice in there!
Tee Hee!

All products used were Stampin Up!

If you have any questions at all...don't hesitate to ask!

Have a remarkable day!
