Traveling cards

Hi everyone!  I know it's Christmas time and we're all scrambling to get our cards done. I like to pre make a kit and work on cards when I travel. On a recent trip to Disneyland I did this. 
Here's my trusty travel kit
Here are all the pieces 
I thought I would be cool and use the time lapse function on my phone but that will clearly require more learning on my part :)

Here's the finished product 
And another lesson. Wink of Stella pens will get gloppy (technical term) if you squeeze too hard which results in an ugly snowman 
Hope you enjoyed my card - pattern paper from SEI and all cuts from my Cameo - inspired by this Tshirt we made 

Which I think is ADORABLE and I can't believe I made it :)
Cool when you can impress yourself with your crafty ability!!!
Merry Christmas


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