Christmas cards

Hi. Welcome to Crafty card gallery. This is Jennifer. This month's theme is Christmas cards. I haven't fully decided what mine will be yet but I wanted to share a card I made in a card workshop. I am lucky enough to know a close to my heart representative (dealer) that does card classes and crops at a local hotel. If you take the class all of the pieces are cut and kitted for you. You just have to Stamp and ink and assemble  and embellish. The cool part is you get to use her stamps and inks. The bad part is that I always find cool stuff to buy. 

Do you like card kits?. Do you like to have ready made inspiration? I find it nice to have some cards ready when I need them. It also reminded me that I liked using my cricut. It's been sitting on the shelf for a long time

Here's the card I made  (not my desig but it's cute!!!)

Have a great day. Thanks for visiting!!!


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